Thursday, September 18, 2008

You should not be allowed to drive

Why do I want to punch someone every time I see that bumper sticker?
Is it because the OIL PRESIDENT has gas at record prices?
Could it be that someone is ignorant enough to still support arguable the worst president in American history?
Could it be that I had to pay $70 to fill my tank and I don't drive an SUV?
Could it be that they are driving an SUV and paying more for gas than I and still have the nerve to have a Bush/Cheney sticker on their SUV?
How could someone actually be so proud of voting for the man that single handedly ruined the country in 8 years?
After the last 8 years could anyone really still be happy with their vote for Bush/ Cheney?Does someone still think that the Bush/ Cheney administration is doing a good job?